GFI & Fans

GFCI or GFCI are ground fault circuit interrupters that are used to detect the electrical current variances. There is a variance detected, the GFI shuts the power automatically on the protected part of the circuit. The GFCI outlets are mostly used in areas where there is a likelihood of dampness and moisture. Such areas include the pool pumps, Jacuzzi, kitchen countertops and the bathroom plugs among other damp locations.

If you ever plugged in an appliance in any off the areas and found that it is not working, the GFI might have tripped. The first thing to do in that case is to ensure that the areas around the outlet as well as the device are dry. You can then use the test function to ensure that the area is dry before resetting the plug.

If the above procedure does not resolve the issue, consider calling PK Electric to repair and install the breakers and outlets for you. Our GFI service involves

  • GFI outlet repair
  • Installation of GFI
  • Installation of power disconnection circuit
  • Electric shock protection


Fans are used mostly in the kitchen and the living room. There are also useful in other large rooms where there is no air conditioning. Like any other circuit, there may be a fault in the fan circuit. We handle repairs for any type of a fan. Moreover, we also install fans in different areas of the home. We calculate the capacity of your circuit and plan on the maximum number of fans it can hold. We also advice you on the best spacing for the fans.

Our guarantee

  • We guarantee quality service at competitive prices
  • We provide prompt services
  • We have the expertise in handling various GFI and fan applications
  • We issue a certificate after the installation is completed.

Contact us today for the inspection, installation and repair for you GFI and fans.

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